Serena could not help but feel self-conscious of her eyes, and it instantly knocked her confidence. They then started to swell and look really puffy.” “My eyelids became extremely sore and very itchy in a matter of weeks – I didn’t know what was happening to me. But in January this year, my eyelids started to swell and were very red – I felt and looked awful and had to wear sunglasses outside to mask it all, even though it was the middle of winter,” she said. In January 2023, Serena’s eyes suddenly became red and puffy, she explained: “Until the start of this year, I’d never had any issues with my skin, which has been one of my best assets. “The relief was incredible – for me, it was miraculous.”

“After trying the gel, my awful red swollen toad eyes were back to normal after months of suffering, doctor visits and trying endless products that did nothing or made them even worse,” Serena said. After one day, the itching stopped, and after a week, “the redness and swelling was practically gone” and “the relief was incredible”. When researching her condition online, Serena stumbled across Hydrosil Dry Eye Gel, which had rave reviews, so she decided to give it a go. Serena “started apologising in advance” when meeting up with people as she was “very self-conscious” of her eyes, and the itchiness continued to make her feel “drained” and have “low moods”, making her not want to go outside. The property manager’s eyes became “extremely sore and very itchy” in a matter of weeks, and after trying a range of at-home remedies and prescription steroid cream, she saw no improvement – the latter even made her eyelids “slightly worse”.
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Serena Fenton, 55, a mother of two and grandmother of five, said her skin had always been one of her “best assets” until January 2023, when her eyelids became severely swollen and red – she even had to “wear sunglasses to mask” them. A divorcee who became a recluse after developing severe eye eczema as a result of menopause that made her look like an “awful red swollen toad” has found a “miraculous” cure after “months of suffering”.